Medicare Specialists
Attention: Medicare Eligible Individuals
Important notice concerning your open enrollment from ages 65 to 65½
My name is Bill Blakemore. I am a Licensed Sales Representative. Our agency specializes in assisting Medicare eligible retirees obtain the best Medicare Supplement and prescription drug plans available based on your personal situation.
It is extremely important you know that upon reaching 65, you have a unique opportunity (regardless of your health conditions) to purchase a Medicare Supplement for a low monthly premium. This open enrollment is available to you for six months once you turn 65. If you wait until you reach 65 ½, you may have to pass medical screening to be accepted.
These plans are designed to fill the gaps that are not paid by Medicare and you maintain the freedom to choose any hospital or doctor that accepts medicare. Pre-certification or referrals are not required, and there is no waiting period for pre-existing conditions. We also offer plan G, plan N and MA plans which are available at lower costs.
Please be cautious of plans that have large deductibles, co-payments and expensive out of network costs.
We offer coverage through many companies including Mutual of Omaha, UnitedHealthcare®, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna and Cigna. We look forward to being of assistance with any of your health insurance and prescription drug needs.
Sincerely yours,
Bill Blakemore
Note: You can also get more information and apply online at
There is no cost for consultation.
“not connected with or endorsed by the U.S government or the federal Medicare program”
Serving PA, WV and OH Toll Free: Local: (304) 723-0909 or (412) 275-3443